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shirataki Noodles – Definition, Benefits, Prepare, And More

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shirataki Noodles – Definition – A Healthy Food

shirataki noodles with just a few calories per serving may sound too good. But a serving contains about the same calories as a cup of broth or a handful of arugulas. Shirataki noodles are made from glucomannan which comes from the konjac root. Glucomannan is a soluble fibre that absorbs a lot of water. Noodles made from glucomannan flour are about 3% fibre and 97% water, so it’s easy to see why they are low in calories.

Konjac is native to eastern Asia. The plant goes by several names, including snake and voodoo lily. It bears a distinctive flower that smells like carrion. Glucomannan flour comes from the plant’s root, which can reach a size of up to 50 pounds. Konjac flour also serves as a thickening agent for food.

A Diet Food in shirataki Noodles

shirataki noodles consist of water and starch from the roots of the konjac plant, which is a type of yam. Other names include “konjac noodles” or “miracle noodles.”

Manufacturers make shirataki noodles by extracting starch from konjac roots. They then use this starch to create a block known as “Konyak.”

People can eat Konyak as a meat substitute or create different shapes. Konjac starch is gelatinous and clings to itself, which makes it ideal for forming into noodles.

Shirataki noodles are unique because of the starch they contain: glucomannan. In the digestive system, glucomannan acts like a dietary fibre, which means the body does not break it down as energy. This makes shirataki noodles extremely low in calories and carbohydrates, providing little power.

Potential Benefits of shirataki Noodles

Shirataki noodles may have several health benefits, depending on the individual. They include:

Use as a Food Substitute

People may find shirataki noodles beneficial for their health if they have a food allergy, food intolerance, or a digestive condition limiting their diet.

This is because shirataki noodles are free from substances that can cause symptoms in some people. For example,

They do not contain:




Some brands of shirataki noodles are also low FODMAP.

This could help people with conditions requiring these dietary restrictions eat a more varied diet while also avoiding symptoms. Shirataki noodles can replace popular foods such as pasta, wheat noodles, and egg noodles.

Shirataki Noodles

Ways These Zero Calorie Noodles May Benefit Your Health

Unlike some healthy foods, shirataki noodles do not contain a wide range of nutrients. They do not have any vitamins or minerals unless the manufacturer adds them. Some manufacturers add small amounts of tofu or other ingredients, but the nutritional benefits of these additions are usually insignificant. Still, as a low-calorie food, shirataki noodles offer some health benefits:

Shirataki Noodles are long translucent noodles that are made from konjac yam that is rich in glucomannan fibre. According to a study published in the Journal of Obesity, konjac is a plant native in East Asia, whereas glucomannan comes from the root of konjac.
Shirataki, a Japanese word for ‘white waterfall.

It perfectly describes the noodles lucid appearance. According to the USDA, the flour made out of glucomannan contains about 3% fibre and 97% water, making these noodles low in calories. Meaning you can add it to your weight loss diet without worrying too much about gaining weight.

Unlike some healthy foods,  do not contain a wide range of nutrients. They do not have any vitamins or minerals unless the manufacturer adds them. Some manufacturers add small amounts of tofu or other ingredients, but the nutritional benefits of these additions are usually insignificant. Still, as a low-calorie food,  offer some health benefits:

Diabetes Control

A diet and managing calories can be a little challenging; at some point, we have also wished to eat something and gain no extra calories from it. Well, how would you feel if this wish came true? Yes, that’s right, especially if you fancy Asian cuisine.

The soluble fibre can slow down how the body absorbs carbohydrates. This can help people with diabetes avoid blood sugar spikes. Studies have shown that glucomannan, the konjac flour in shirataki noodles, helps those with diabetes. People with diabetes should talk to their doctor before using glucomannan, which could affect their medication.

To Prepare 

You know come in shapes, such as angel hair and fettuccini. They are available either dry or in water. If you opt for the variety packed in water, you will notice a fishy smell when you open them up. The scent comes from the konjac flour. Drain the water and rinse them well, and the smell should go away. The dry variety will not have a scent.

Prepare the noodles like any other pasta by boiling them in water. After draining the noodles. some cooks like to dry roast them in the pan to remove some water content and firm them up.

Because have so little nutritional value, it’s important to pair them with other ingredients that pack a nutrient-dense punch. They work well in Asian and Italian recipes. You can substitute them for pasta in almost any recipe. Here are some ideas to try:

Serve curry instead of rice for a lower-calorie dish.

Use shirataki noodles in classic miso soup.

Serve with puttanesca sauce. 

Make a cold pasta salad with veggies, noodles, and your favourite dressing.

Serve fish on a bed that has been tossed with pesto. 

Use in a healthy bowl with shredded carrots, red bell peppers, and edamame.


Shirataki Noodles, popularly known as Konjac Noodles or Miracle Noodles, are a unique food variety that is very filling but has almost no calories! They are long, white & translucent noodles with a slightly chewy texture. Traditionally consumed in Japan, China & Southeast Asia, these low-carb and grain-free noodles are made from glucomannan, a fibre that comes from the root of the Asian Konjac plant.

Shirataki noodles are about 97% water and 3% glucomannan fibre, making them low in calories with no digestible carbs! The soluble fibre in glucomannan helps you feel full and regulates blood sugar levels, cholesterol and digestive health.