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Digital Lifestyle Write for Us

Digital Lifestyle Write for Us

What are Digital Lifestyle and Lifestyle Entrepreneurship?

To put it simply, digital lifestyle entrepreneurship combines both digital lifestyle and lifestyle entrepreneurship and refers to entrepreneurs who make their living online. As different authors suggest, the key features of this type of business are internet access, portability, and building a career around desired life (style).

Concept of Digital Lifestyle

The term digital lifestyle describes a lifestyle figured by technological progress where digital technologies become an irreplaceable part of life. Historically, the transition from cell phones to smartphones and from notebook to tablet PCs marks the digital lifestyle’s beginning.

A digital lifestyle means people can easily connect worldwide using the Internet and digital technologies, work from any location or create smart homes. The digital lifestyle is perceived positively both from individual and business levels as it improves cooperation and communication and can help to reduce expenses.

Three interconnected spheres, shown below, define living a digital lifestyle– Digital lifestyles, Mobile working, and Connected Home.

There can be Six Main Digital Lifestyles

Knowledge seekers: people using the Internet to gain knowledge, get information or educate themselves. Social networking is not the aim of using digital technologies. But, on the other hand, it helps to connect with people of common interest.

Influencers: people using the Internet frequently, posting on social media, blogging regularly, having a loud voice online, and shopping online. Commonly, influencers are the younger generation.

Networkers: people using the Internet to establish and maintain relationships. The Internet, for networkers, is the primary tool of social communication.

Communicators: people using the Internet for communication (emails, mobile devices, social media). They network face-to-face as often as online.

Aspirers: people using the Internet to be more active online. They primarily connect from home but want to be more involved in the mobile space.

Functionals: people using the Internet for functionality. The Internet perceives as a helpful tool – emails, the latest news or sports, weather forecasts, or online shopping. Social networking is not the main interest. Therefore, it is expect that functionals are the older generation and have been using the Internet for a long time.

Digital lifestyle research conducted by Buhlebenkosi 4.0 Consulting company in 2017 revealed a growing demand for digital channels, like mobile, social media, and collaboration platforms, to become more competitive in the business sector.

Furthermore, as people become more tech-savvy, capable of finding and evaluating products and services or creating content, it is crucial that businesses would adapt quickly to the digital revolution; otherwise, they will be left behind.

Concept of Lifestyle Entrepreneurship

The most common definition of entrepreneurship used by the European Commission[5] refers to the individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation, risk-taking, ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives.

A lifestyle entrepreneur creates a business driven by interests and passion while sustaining his life goals. The source of inspiration can become hobbies, habits, or lifestyles. The purpose of a lifestyle entrepreneur is to improve their lives instead of making a profit.

Though this type of business does not exclude gain, it operates differently. Lifestyle entrepreneurs are more focused on their lifestyle choice. For this reason, they design interactions to accommodate their lifestyle, so it does not depend solely on making money.

There can be different reasons why people become lifestyle entrepreneurs – some want to spend more quality time with their families, others seek freedom and flexibility, or they desire to travel and live from anywhere in the world.

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