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Foods Techniques -Definition, Method, Classification, And More

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Foods Techniques – Definition -Different Methods of Cooking You Should Know

Foods Techniques there are two essential cooking methods that you need to know about; the dry heat method and the moist heat method. The dry heat cooking approaches do not need any water and use dry heat for cooking something; some examples are steaming, baking, grilling, and roasting. Under the moist heat cooking methods to cook the food; some examples include boiling, frying, stewing, barbecue, and basting.

We all love to eat home-cooked food, and we’d want our children to enjoy home-cooked meals as well. To encourage your children to eat home-cooked food, you’d have tried new recipes, but did you ever try new methods of cooking? If not, you must try to impress your family members, especially your kids. If you search for various recipes in cookery books or online but don’t understand a lot of the cooking language, we are here to help. Read this article to learn about the basic cooking methods and techniques used in the kitchen.

Let us look at some of these approaches further:

Essential Foods Techniques Everyone Should Know

A variety of fats can be used, from butter to various oils, or a combination, depending on your cooking food. The pan and the grease must be hot enough so that the food added to the pan starts to brown quickly since the heat used to cook the food comes directly from the pan itself. The food’s exterior is browned, sometimes only slightly, sometimes more caramelized, and the interior is cooked using this method.   It’s somewhere between stir-frying and searing.

A Healthy Method of Foods Techniques

While most barbecued foods are thought to be unhealthy, grilling can be a very healthy cooking method since less fat is needed to cook the food, and most of it even drips out during the cooking process, meaning that the food is cooked is much healthier. Using leaner cuts of meat and extra fruits and vegetables makes barbecuing healthier than average since less unhealthy fats are retained in the flesh by the end of the cooking process.

If you have previously been oblivious of all the different cooking methods, we hope this article helps you. Cooking your food is a beautiful experience and is also the best way to ensure good health since you know what you are putting in your food and will now know the best and healthiest cooking technique to retain as much of the nutrients and vitamins as possible.

The Definition of Stir-Frying

In a classic stir-fry, the food is always cut into size bite-sized pieces to cook evenly.   The cook keeps the food moving using a cooking utensil of some sort and occasionally shaking the pan itself. This method is usually referred to in various Asian cuisines.

The heat beneath the pan must be very high, a small amount of oil typically use, and you will want to have every single ingredient full and measured before you begin since stir-fries wait for no one. The first ingredients might overcook while you are shredding the final components.

Ingredients usually add starting with the ones that take the longest to cook and finishing with the shortest ingredients, so everything simultaneously reaches just-doneness. A wok is a traditional use in stir-frying, but a large skillet works just as well.

Food Techniques

Classification of Food Technique

In this method, food comes into contact with water or steam under pressure. Some common ways of cooking food are by moist heat labels below.


A method of cooking foods by immersing them in water at 100 ºC and maintaining water at the temperature until it is tender. Boiling is cooking foods in a liquid at boiling point. Rice, egg, dhal, meat, roots and tubers cook by boiling.

This involves cooking in a minimum amount of liquid at temperatures of 800°C – 850°C that is below the boiling point. Foods generally poached are eggs, fish and fruits. Adding little salt or vinegar to the cooking liquid lowers the coagulation temperature for poaching eggs. Eggs cook quickly by poaching.

Advantages of Food Techniques

Nutritional value, colour, flavour and palatability of food. Steamed food is light, healthful and easy to digest. Steaming shortens the duration of cooking and helps to conserve. Such foods are good, especially for sick people with weak digestion or the elderly. Young children can serve steamed food.

Pressure cooking kills all bacteria, and hence the food is safe and hygienic to eat. The food gets cooks faster, i.e. almost 1/3rd time than boiling. Saves fuel, time and energy. Several foods can cook together in the weight cooker by using separators. It is unnecessary to immerse food in the water while cooking, reducing the loss of water-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Other Methods of Cooking

In meal groundwork, it is often necessary only to peel off the skin of fruits and vegetables without making them tender. This can achieve by blanching. e.g. tomatoes can be Blanche in this method; food dip in boiling water for 5 seconds to 2 minutes conditional on the texture of the food. This helps to remove the skin or peel without softening food.


These methods and techniques can easily apply according to recipe requirements. Many new cooking learners, like which process needs to use at which type. These methods will help you to make your food delicious.

Cooking can be easier and more perfect if you know the correct “cooking method” and “techniques” to cook your food. Today, we share some essential and most common cooking methods to make divine food for your table.